Finding Yourself

We’re all gonna die, so it’s best to live the 100% you. Many people live their lives and never really lived true to themselves. It’s when they’re on their death bed they realize all along they didn’t do what they...
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If you let your ego control you, you won’t see life for what it really is. You’ll see life at a shallow level with no real depth and this affects your perception of yourself, relationships, career, the environment you choose...
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One thing we’re all sure about is that we’re all gonna die & we don’t know when,where and how. The one thing most people say on their death bed is that they regret not living fully true to themselves. Sometimes...
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Everyone has their own identity, think about all the celebrities; one thing most of them have in common is they’re all different and something about them is distinctive. It’s the same thing with you, everyone has something distinctive about them...
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The hardest battles come at you when you’re being yourself and living life to the fullest not playing it safe. You’ll get attacks from everywhere but it’s how you react to them that counts. People who play it safe don’t...
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